Make sure you’re getting Platinum-rated repairs
Lots of people ask how to tell smash repairers who will do a good job from those who won’t. Many people have had nightmare experiences with repairers who pump out jobs for insurance companies with no regard for quality or safety – and then have to take their vehicle off the road again to get the work rectified. You’re investing a lot of trust (and often a lot of money) in the people who are fixing your car, so surely there must be some way of ensuring you’ve picked the right one!
Our answer is simple: the quality of the repairs comes down to the skill of the repairers. It’s the core principle behind how we manage our staff and the reason we’re constantly updating our techniques and training.
Perth smash repair companies can often be complacent and lag behind international standards, but our industry is one where you can’t afford to be ‘old-school’! Experience alone won’t make for a good repair – technology quickly overtakes traditional methods – and a latest generation workshop won’t produce a good job without up-to-date mechanics. It pays to ask a repairer about their training level before you book any work with them.
The Como Panel &Paint team have consistently exceeded national and international training standards and we now have the first technician to achieve I-CAR Platinum accreditation in the WA Metropolitan area, with three more of our technicians due for their Platinum assessments this year. Our apprentices continue to make us proud – Jumpstart Apprentice of the Year 2009 and Polytechnic Apprentice of the Year 2010 and 2011 all came from our team.
So when you’re wondering about the best smash repairer, think about the people who will be working with your car. Skilled mechanics don’t cost any more and they’ll make the difference between a good-enough patch-up that you’ll need to get rectified and a Platinum-rated, perfect repair.
For more information, or to see what else we’re up to, please check our Facebook page.